Un document résumant mes thèmes de recherche et destiné à un lecteur non spécialiste est disponible ci-contre. Les articles sont présentés par ordre chronologique inverse. Lorsqu'elles sont disponibles les adresses DOI (actives) sont indiquées à la suite des références. Pour ceux qui y ont accès, la liste de mes travaux sur les Mathematical Reviews est directement accessible (MATHSCINET).

Posters and Slides

A poster on weakly admissibles meshes prepared by M. Vianello and A. Sommariva (2009). A presentation enttiled Approximation et interpolation polynomiales, in French (2005). The slides of a conference given at Cracow (2011) on extremal points for polynomial interpolation, the constructive approach.

PhD student

Phung Van Manh, Contributions to polynomial interpolation of functions in one and several variables, 2010-11.

François Bertrand, Construction et étude des propriétés d'approximation de projecteurs polynomiaux sur des espaces de fonctions de plusieurs variables, 2022.


  1. Bialas-Ciez, Leokadia; Calvi, Jean-Paul; Kowalska, Agnieszka; Markov and Division Inequalities on Algebraic Sets Results Math. 79 (2024), no. 4, Paper No. 135.
  2. Bertrand, François; Calvi, Jean-Paul; The Newton product of polynomial projectors. Part 2: approximation properties; Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 72 (2023), no. 2, 1163–1196.
  3. Bertrand, François; Calvi, Jean-Paul The Newton product of polynomial projectors Part 1: Construction and algebraic properties. Internat. J. Math. 30 (2019), no. 6, 1950030, 45 pp.
  4. Calvi, Jean-Paul; Tilatti, Livio; On the spline transform of step-wise functions. Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 29 (2018), no. 1, 173–193. (Uncorrected preprint).
  5. Bialas-Ciez, Leokadia; Calvi, Jean-Paul; Kowalska, Agnieszka; Polynomial inequalities on certain algebraic hypersurfaces. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 459 (2018), no. 2, 822–838.
  6. Jean-Paul Calvi, Mikael Passare, a Jaunt in Approximation Theory in Analysis Meets Geometry, edited by Andersson, M., Boman, J., Kiselman, C., Kurasov, P., Sigurdsson, R., Birkhauser, 2017, 9 pages.
  7. Calvi, Jean-Paul and Phung Van Manh, Can we define Taylor polunomials on algebraic curves?, Annales Polonici Mathematici, 118 (2016) , 1-24 , (Open online version)
  8. Białas-Cież, Leokadia; Calvi, Jean-Paul; Homogeneous minimal polynomials with prescribed interpolation conditions, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 368 (2016), 8383-8402.
  9. Białas-Cież, Leokadia; Calvi, Jean-Paul; Invariance of polynomial inequalities under polynomial maps. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 439 (2016), no. 2, 449–464.
  10. Calvi, Jean-Paul and Phung Van Manh (English summary); On the approximation of multivariate entire functions by Lagrange interpolation polynomials. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation. 8 (2015), Special Issue, 11–16.
  11. Jean-Paul Calvi and Phung Van Manh, On the continuity of multivariate Lagrange interpolation at natural lattices. LMS Journal of Computational Mathematics. 16 (2013), 45–60 (uncorrected preprint available on ArXiv).
  12. Thomas Bloom, Len P. Bos, Jean-Paul Calvi, Norman Levenberg, Polynomial Interpolation and Approximation in Cd, Annales Polonici Mathematici, 106 (2012), 53-81, (uncorrected preprint available on ArXiv)).
  13. Jean-Paul Calvi and Phung Van Manh, Lagrange interpolation at real projections of Leja sequences for the unit disk, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 140, Number 12, December 2012, Pages 4271–4284, (uncorrected preprint available on ArXiv).
  14. Leokadia Bialas-Ciez and Jean-Paul Calvi, Pseudo Leja sequences, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, January 2012, Volume 191, Issue 1, pp 53-75,, ``open access''. [DOI]
  15. Len Bos; Jean-Paul Calvi; Norman Levenberg; Alvise Sommariva; Marco Vianello, Geometric weakly admissible meshes, discrete least squares approximations and approximate Fekete points Mathematics of computation 80 , 1623-1638, 2011.
  16. Jean-Paul Calvi and Phung Van Manh, On the Lebesgue constant of Leja sequences for the unit disk and its applications to multivariate interpolation, Journal of Approximation Theory,163(5), p. 608-622, 2011. [DOI]
  17. Len Bos and Jean-Paul Calvi, Taylorian points of an algebraic curve and bivariate Hermite interpolation, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, VII, 3 (serie 5), p.545-577, 2008.
  18. Jean-Paul Calvi and Norman Levenberg, Uniform approximation by discrete least squares polynomials, Journal of Approximation Theory,152 (1), p. 82-100, 2008. [DOI]
  19. Len Bos and Jean-Paul Calvi, Multipoint Taylor interpolation, Calcolo, 58 (1), p. 35-51, 2008. [DOI]
  20. Jean-Paul Calvi and Phung Van Manh, A determinantal proof of the product formula for the multivariate transfinite diameter, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics, Vol. 53, No 3, p. 291-298, 2005.
  21. Dinh Dung, Jean-Paul Calvi and Nguyen Tien Trung, Polynomial projectors preserving homogeneous partial differential equations, Journal of Approximation Theory, volume 135 (number 2), p. 221-232, 2005. [DOI]
  22. Jean-Paul Calvi, Intertwining unisolvent arrays for multivariate Lagrange interpolation, Advances in Computational Mathematics, volume 23 (number 4), p. 393-414, 2005. [DOI]
  23. Dinh Dung, Jean-Paul Calvi and Nguyen Tien Trung, On the polynomial projectors that preserve homogeneous partial differential equations (announcement), Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 32:1, p. 109-112, 2004.
  24. Jean-Paul Calvi and Lars Filipsson, The polynomial projectors that preserve homogeneous differential relations : a new characterization of Kergin interpolation,East Journal on Approximations, volume 10 (number 4), p. 441-454, 2004.
  25. Len Bos, Jean-Paul Calvi and Norman Levenberg, On the Siciak Extremal function for real compact convex sets, Arkiv För Matematik, volume 39 (number 2), p. 245-262, 2001. [DOI]
  26. Thomas Bloom and Jean-Paul Calvi, On Multivariate Minimal Polynomials, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 129 (volume 3), p. 417-431, 2000.
  27. Thomas Bloom and Jean-Paul Calvi, On the Multivariate Transfinite Diameter, Annales Polonici Mathematici, LXXXII.3, p. 285- 305, 1999.
  28. Thomas Bloom and Jean-Paul calvi, Sur le diamètre transfini en  plusieurs variables,  Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris, t. 329, Série 1, p. 567-570, 1999. [DOI]
  29. Thomas Bloom et Jean-Paul Calvi, The distribution of extremal points for Kergin interpolation: real case, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, vol. 48, numéro 1, p. 205-222, 1998. [AIF PDF]
  30. Len Bos and Jean-Paul Calvi, Kergin interpolants at the roots of unity approximate C2 functions,Journal d'Analyse Mathématique (Jérusalem), vol. 72, p. 203-221, 1997. [DOI]
  31. Thomas Bloom and Jean-Paul Calvi, A Continuity Property of Multivariate Lagrange Interpolation, Mathematics of Computation, vol. 66, number 220, p. 1561-1577, 1997. [AMS PDF]
  32. Thomas Bloom and Jean-Paul Calvi, Kergin Interpolants of Holomorphic Functions, Constructive Approximation, vol. 13, p. 569-583, 1997. [DOI]
  33. Jean-Paul Calvi, A new look at a Fekete-Szegö theorem, in Approximation and Interpolation (Approximation Theory VIII, vol. 1), editors C.K. Chui and L.L. Schumaker, p. 111-118, 1995, World Scientific.
  34. Thomas Bloom and Jean-Paul Calvi, A Convergence Problem for Kergin Interpolation II, in Approximation and Interpolation (Approximation Theory VIII vol. 1), editors, C.K. Chui and L.L. Schumaker, p. 79-86, 1995, World Scientific.
  35. Jean-Paul Calvi, A convergence Problem for Kergin Interpolation, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 37, 175-183, 1994.
  36. Jean-Paul Calvi, Interpolation in Fréchet Spaces with an application to Complex Function Theory,Indagationes Mathematicae, N.S., 4(1), 17-26, 1993. [DOI]
  37. Jean-Paul Calvi, Polynomial interpolation with prescribed analytic functionals, Journal of Approximation Theory, 75 (2), 136-156, 1993. [DOI]

Résumé (French)


Known errors

Postal address

Jean-Paul Calvi, Institut de Mathématiques, CNRS FR 2802, UFR MIG, Université Paul Sabatier, 31062 Toulouse cedex 9, France.

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